2024 Regional Grey to Green Conferences

At the 2024 Regional Grey to Green Conferences, we will be exploring the most recent green infrastructure science, economic valuation, asset management, public policy, technologies, and best practices in design, installation and maintenance. Our goal is to help inform the current policy debate by making the case for a rapid and significant increase in green infrastructure investment, a trend thatʼs now occurring worldwide.

This year, Grey to Green Conferences will be held in Chicago, IL, and Portland, OR. You can review the agendas and sponsors for each event by clicking the Past Conferences button at the top of the page.

What is Grey to Green?

Our goal is to build and grow a dynamic green infrastructure ecosystem comprised of companies, advocates, educators, investors and decision-makers who want to participate in moving the green infrastructure agenda forward to build sustainable and resilient places.

Shifting investment towards sustainable and resilient green infrastructure has never been more critical. We need to reimagine our communities as places where health and wellbeing drive design, planning and investment as we face the existential threat of climate change. Our goal is to help inform the current policy debate by making the case for a rapid and significant increase in green infrastructure investment, a trend that’s now occurring worldwide.

Green infrastructure allows a local government to make the most of limited public dollars and achieve multiple goals with a single investment.
— Environmental Protection Agency, "Enhancing Sustainable Communities with Green Infrastructure" (2014)

What is Green Infrastructure?

Green Infrastructure borrows from Nature to develop the best, most economical, and time-tested ways to cope with stresses such as floods and heatwaves that are becoming more frequent as a result of climate change.

If you've seen a tree shading and cooling a street on a blazing hot day, you've seen the kind of thing we do with green infrastructure. We orchestrate green roofs, green walls, bioswales, forest gardens, and rain gardens to manage stormwater and prevent flood damage. We plant pollinator gardens to save pollinators and protect biodiversity.

Aside from the fact that green infrastructure works in an economical way, it's also beautiful and adds to the vitality and healthfulness of any place it's established. It's also a great way to create jobs that pay for themselves by the money they save during storms, downpours, and heatwaves

We think it's a natural way to build infrastructure.

Natural and human made elements that provide ecological and hydrological functions and processes. Green infrastructure can include components such as natural heritage features and systems, parklands, stormwater management systems, street trees, urban forests, natural channels, permeable surfaces, and green roofs.
— Ontario Provincial Policy Statement

About Us

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) is the North American Green Roof & Wall Association working to develop and protect the market by increasing the awareness of the economic, social and environmental benefits of green roofs, green walls, and other forms of living architecture through education, advocacy, professional development and celebrations of excellence.

Green Infrastructure Foundation (GIF) responds to the need for greater awareness and resources to promote the design, installation, and maintenance of green infrastructure in local communities. GIF is a tax-exempt, charitable 501(c)(3). 

Continuing Education

Green Roofs for Healthy Cities is an approved provider of AIA, APLD, ASLA, and GRP continuing education credits. Other crediting bodies may be approved for CEUs where appropriate.

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